Strengthening of concrete structures and when its required?

Structural reinforcement refers to strengthening the original stressed structure, so as to meet the new requirements and safety, and save costs and reduce investment.

2020-03-26 13:43:31

Need to know about post installed rebar

Post installed rebar reinforcement has been applied more and more widely in structural reinforcement projects. Although post installed rebar is simple and easy to operate, strict quality control is still needed.

2020-03-26 13:42:17

CFRP strengthening column beam slab

Beam strengthening,Solve the problem: the flexure and tension of concrete beams caused by increasing load. According to the force, the bottom of the beam can be strengthened by sticking single layer or double layer with U type hoop.

2020-03-26 13:21:34

A solution of steel jacketing

The reason of void between steel plate and concrete ,Inappropriate grinding and cleaning of the surface of the steel plate,The surface of concrete is wet or the humidity in the air is high

2020-03-26 13:22:26

Post installed rebars advantages

Design flexibility: according to need, we can design the quantity and specification of planting bar according to the structural stress characteristics in any position of reinforced concrete.

2020-03-26 13:26:19

What is the mechanical changes before and after strengthen?

What changes have taken place in the mechanical properties of the structure before and after the structure is reinforced or retrofitting?

2018-03-26 15:36:46

Three stages of beam strengthening used CFRP fabric

The whole process can be divided into three stages: the stage of no cracking, the stage of crack and the stage of failure.

2018-03-23 16:11:17

Bridge cracks repair methods

Once the crack appears, it will affect the structural durability, will directly affect the bearing capacity of the structure, and even endanger the safety of the structure. It is worthy of attention and should ascertain the cause of cracks,we must take appropriate measures to repair.

2020-03-25 10:39:24

Difference between FRP strengthening and traditional methods

Why is CFRP reinforcement more and more popular among engineers? it increase the structure's crack resistance or shear capacity, and improve the strength, rigidity, crack resistance and elongation of the structure.

2018-03-21 13:44:51

Why load is removed in the process of strengthening?

In order to make the new and old structure to bear force together, should first remove the original structure load before the reinforcement. It is a better way to reapply it after reinforcement.

2020-03-25 11:05:24