Five Principles Of Building Demolition And Reconstruction

What Are The Five Principles Of Building Demolition And Reconstruction?

Due to different living habits, not all room types can meet the needs of every family. Therefore, many people now choose to transform the layout of the house to better adapt to the needs of life. However, the decoration and dismantling of houses cannot be done in accordance with the wishes of users. Many parts of the house cannot be changed at will. Forcible changes will only bring safety hazards to the building. Below, we will share with you the five principles of house decoration and demolition.

The load-bearing wall cannot be dismantled and modified at will

For buildings with brick-concrete structure, all prefabricated slab walls cannot be demolished, and doors and windows cannot be opened. Generally speaking, a brick wall with a thickness of more than 24cm is a load-bearing wall, which bears the weight of the entire building and maintains the balance of the overall structure of the house. If the load-bearing wall is easily removed, it is likely to cause the house structure to lose balance, bury potential safety hazards, and cause serious consequences.

The Ministry of Construction clearly stipulates that the demolition and modification of the load-bearing wall must be modified and reinforced by the original design unit or a design unit with the same qualifications as the original design unit before the demolition and modification of the load-bearing wall can be carried out.

In addition to the load-bearing walls clearly marked in the drawings, some light-body walls in some houses may also bear the weight of the house and cannot be easily removed, especially the light-body walls under the beams. If the lightweight wall that bears the weight of the house is demolished, it will also cause the structure of the house to be destroyed and bury hidden dangers for the safety of the house.

The beams and columns cannot be dismantled and modified at will

Beams and columns are an important structure used to support the upper floor in a house. Demolition or modification may cause the upper layer to sag, which is quite dangerous. Therefore, beams and columns must not be removed or modified.

Rebar cannot be destroyed at will

In the decoration or other construction, the problem of burying pipelines is often involved. At this time, the constructor needs to pay special attention to the position of the steel bars when drilling through the walls to prevent damage to the walls and floors due to damage to the steel bars. The endurance of the building leaves a safety hazard problem for the building.

The frame embedded in the door cannot be removed at will

The door frames of some old houses are embedded in concrete and blend with the concrete to support the weight of part of the wall. If it is dismantled or modified at will, it will destroy the original structure of the building and reduce the safety index, so try not to dismantle the door frame inside the wall.

The counterweight wall cannot be dismantled at will

The interior and balcony of some apartment types are not directly interconnected, but a half wall is used as a partition. This half wall is called a "counterweight wall". In the brick-concrete structure, when the balcony is designed to extend the cantilever beam from the masonry wall, it is necessary to install a counterweight wall at a suitable position to balance the balcony load and ensure that the balcony will not overturn. If it is easily removed, the load-bearing capacity of the balcony will drop, and the balcony will have a potential safety hazard.

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