Influence Of The Temperature On The Stress Of Prestressed CFRP

Influence Of The Temperature Difference Between Day And Night On The Stress Of Prestressed CFRP Plate

Prestressed CFRP Plate

(1) Prestressed carbon fiber plate reinforcement is a reliable and feasible way to strengthen bridges.

(2) Because the thermal expansion rate of concrete is higher than that of carbon fiber plate, when the temperature drops, the temperature stress of the carbon fiber plate decreases and causes the loss of prestress; when the temperature rises, the prestress is restored.

(3) In extreme cases, although the prestress loss caused by temperature stress changes is about 5.6% relative to the initial prestress. However, it is 42.6% larger than the stress change caused by the service load. Therefore, the influence of temperature stress cycle must be considered when evaluating the long-term performance and service life of the reinforced bridge.

(4) Due to the high tensile strength of the carbon fiber plate, even after the prestress is applied, there is still a large reserve of strength. Therefore, in order to improve the stiffness of the bridge and reduce the loss of prestress, it is advisable to choose the reinforcement construction when the temperature is low when the quality of the bridge concrete allows.

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