What Are The Common Problems Of Prestressed Carbon Plates?

What Are The Common Problems Of Prestressed Carbon Plates?

Prestressed Carbon Plates

The vigorous development of the reinforcement industry has also driven the innovation and development of reinforcement materials. In recent years, a new reinforcement process has been introduced, which is the prestressed carbon plate system. This process has already emerged in the reinforcement industry, and it has also attracted everyone's attention. Today, the editor will tell you about some possible problems of prestressed carbon plates.

Common Problems of Carbon Plates

In the reinforcement project of prestressed carbon plate, the active force is realized by applying prestress to it, and the tension tonnage of the prestressed carbon plate in different reinforcement projects is also different. The tensile tonnage of the carbon plate is calculated from the tensile stress and the cross section of the carbon plate. Taking the tensile stress control as 1200MPa as an example, the tensile forces of the carbon plate cross-section 1.4mm, 10cm wide and 3mm, 10cm wide are respectively :



It can be seen that under the premise that the tensile stress is the same as 1200MPa, the tensile force required to be applied to carbon plates with different cross-sectional sizes is also completely different. However, the breaking of carbon plates caused by excessive tensile stress is the most common form of failure in reinforcement. Therefore, someone only tells you the magnitude of the tension, and you have to be careful at this time.

Frequently Asked Questions about Anchorages

The anchors play the role of clamping and transmitting loads in the entire prestressed carbon plate reinforcement system. Only when the anchors are effectively anchored can the prestressed carbon plates exert their high strength.

We can evaluate the performance of the anchorage from two aspects, one is the efficiency of the anchorage, the efficiency of the anchorage is low, and the carbon plate is easy to fall off the anchor during the tensioning process, and the high strength of the carbon plate cannot be exerted. Not only the increase in bearing capacity is small, but it is also a waste for high-strength carbon plates.

In addition, in order to ensure the long-term effectiveness of the prestressed carbon plate reinforcement system, the anchorage must have sufficient long-term fatigue resistance to prevent the failure of the overall reinforcement system caused by the failure of the anchorage in long-term use.

Carbon plates and anchors are an important part of the prestressed carbon plate system, so their role must not be underestimated. Only if both are good, this prestressed carbon plate system can exert its maximum power and contribute its own strength to building reinforcement.

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