Structural Reinforcement Is Not Blind, Standard Procedures Known

Structural Reinforcement Is Not Blind, Standard Procedures Are Known

Building reinforcement

Building reinforcement refers to the construction measures to strengthen, partially replace or adjust the internal force of load-bearing structures, components and their related parts that have insufficient reliability or require increased bearing capacity. It has the safety, durability and usability required by the current design specifications and the owner.

Common building reinforcement types improve, change, and increase the current use of buildings, as follows. Add elevators in old communities, build underground garages in villas, safely dismantle and modify existing structural layouts, and safely upgrade existing structural bearing capacity to meet the needs of adding floors and expanding, placing heavy machinery and equipment.

So how does building reinforcement work?

Is there any scientific basis?


Building reinforcement is not blindly carried out, and has a rigorous and scientific work process. According to the provisions of "Concrete Structure Reinforcement Structure" 13G311, when a building is structurally reinforced, it must be carried out in accordance with:

Standard reinforcement development process

Original structure reliability appraisal and seismic appraisal → reinforcement scheme selection → reinforcement construction drawing design → construction drawing review → building reinforcement construction → completion acceptance

1) Original structure reliability appraisal and seismic appraisal

Buildings are like people's bodies. Whether it is to see a doctor or undergo cosmetic surgery, the first step is to check and then diagnose, and design special treatment solutions according to the inspection situation.

The same goes for buildings!

Before the building reinforcement project is carried out, first find out the current situation of the structure through the house safety appraisal, evaluate its safety and reliability, and issue an authoritative report

2) Selection of reinforcement scheme

Based on the identification test report, the reinforcement plan is determined in combination with the site conditions and the needs of Party A.

The selection of the reinforcement scheme should be based on the principles of safety, reliability, economy and rationality.

3) Reinforcement construction drawing design, construction drawing review

After the reinforcement plan is determined, we need to design the construction drawings and review the drawings after the design is completed.

The design of the drawings is to let us have a goal and standard in the construction process; the review of the drawings is to check whether the design is reasonable and whether it is possible to optimize and whether the design is safe and reliable.

4) Building reinforcement construction

After making the previous preparations, enter the actual combat stage of reinforcement processing, how to turn those theories into real things, which requires reinforcement construction to complete this work.

Before construction, the construction organization design shall be prepared according to the design requirements and structural characteristics, and the construction shall be carried out in strict accordance with the corresponding technological standards.

In the process, measures are taken to avoid or reduce damage to the original structural components, so as to avoid secondary damage to the original components and adversely affect our post-processing.

5) Completion acceptance

In the final step of quality acceptance and project acceptance, quality inspection and engineering acceptance shall be carried out in accordance with the national standards "Code for Construction Quality of Building Structure Reinforcement Engineering" and "Code for Quality Acceptance of Concrete Structure Construction".

Compared with ordinary new construction or decoration projects, building reinforcement projects are technically more complex, and reinforcement construction is a secondary construction of the main structure.

Therefore, during the construction period, various real-time monitoring methods should be used for observation and monitoring. If there is a problem, measures can be taken in time to eliminate the unsafe factors that were not discovered in advance to ensure the safety of the building reinforcement project.

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