Buildings Reinforced With Carbon Fiber Survived In Türkiye

Buildings Reinforced With Carbon Fiber Survived In Türkiye

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With the rapid development of the global construction industry, the seismic performance of some old buildings cannot meet the safety design specifications, making it difficult to cope with natural disasters such as earthquakes, which is extremely prone to causing casualties and property losses.

The technology of using carbon fiber based fiber reinforced composite materials to strengthen and repair concrete structures originally originated in developed countries, but now the technology is gradually maturing in China, with broad application prospects. In addition to convenient construction and wide application, the excellent physical and chemical properties of carbon fiber composites are also important reasons for the development of this technology. In the recent earthquake in Türkiye, this technology was again focused by the public, because it silently guarded the safety of people and property in the building.

A building in the south of Khathai Province, Türkiye, was reinforced with carbon fiber reinforced plastic in 2009 as part of an academic project. Finally, they survived two major earthquakes on February 6th, while unreinforced buildings with the same building structure did not survive.

The project manager, Professor Ozchebe, introduced the implementation of the project. He said that this is the master's thesis project of Mustafa Tumel Tan of the Middle East University of Technology, which is used to strengthen a 9-story building. The project is supported by NATO and the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye.

Ozchebe said that after the massive damage caused by the 1999 earthquake in the Marmara region, the project team was established to consider ways to strengthen buildings and save people from the ruins of building structures.

During the implementation of the project, people should be kept in place as much as possible without having to evacuate from their homes. "If you say to the residents, 'I will strengthen your building, but I will stay in another place for a few months,' you have neither the power nor the opportunity to do so.". "We have repaired a building in Antakia that is normally on the eve of collapse, and we have not allowed the residents to leave or even stay with them.". In the end, everyone in the building survived the earthquake.

Ozchebe is very pleased with this. Seeing that everyone in the building was still alive, he said that this was the greatest reward a scholar could receive.

On the other hand, large-scale buildings have not been reinforced using this technology, which is still a cost issue. The technology used by the Ozchebe team to strengthen buildings was expensive in 2009, so the project was only carried out in one building.

"But after this earthquake, the mayor of Istanbul decided to reinforce the house with carbon fiber, and the government will take care of everything.".

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