Interface properties of CFRP and C60 concrete

The influence of bond length on the interface properties of CFRP and C60 concrete

cfrp wrap bonding on concrete

Through the research of CFRP-C60 concrete interface performance, the following conclusions are drawn

  1. The bond length has no significant effect on the initial peeling load and initial peeling displacement, but the greater the bond length, the greater the ultimate load and ultimate displacement at failure

  2. As the load increases, the stress transfer area continues to advance, and the length of the stress transfer area also continues to increase. When this length reaches the effective bonding length, the sum of the length of the stress transfer area and the length of the peeling area is the minimum bonding length

  3. The minimum bonding length of C60 concrete CFRP is about twice the effective bonding length. The bonding length should be greater than the minimum bonding length to fully exert the bearing capacity of the interface and improve the ductility of the interface. If the requirements cannot be met due to the size limitation of the concrete structure, anchoring is very necessary.

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