My name is carbon fiber fabric

carbon fiber fabric,CFRP wrapping


My name is carbon fiber fabric.

My family has aramid fiber, basalt fiber, bamboo fiber.

I can use in construction and industrial products.

I am black, divided into one-way(unidirectional)carbon fiber, two-way(bidirectional) carbon fiber , multi-axial carbon fiber.

My characteristic is high strength, high modulus, light weight, good flexibility, chemical resistance, long storage time。

Horse Construction Recommended Products

You can find anything here you are in need of, have a trust trying on these products, you will find the big difference after that.

HM-20 Unidirectional Carbon Fiber Wrap

High strength, unidirectional carbon fiber wrap pre-saturated to form a carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) wrap used to strengthen structural concrete elements.

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HM-180 Carbon Fiber Primer

Low viscosity, strong penetration carbon fiber primer for reinforced concrete surface to enhace the defect part

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HM-180CE Levelling Adhesive

Good thixotropy carbon fiber leveling adhesive for concrete surface repairing

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