Peeling failure in concrete strengthened with CFRP

Peeling failure

Carbon fiber is a high-tech structural reinforcement material, which is widely used in the structural reinforcement of buildings. 

However, many people found that after sticking the carbon fiber cloth, they could not achieve satisfactory results, and there was a phenomenon of peeling damage, which greatly affected the quality of the project. 

Peeling failure in concrete strengthened with CFRP

So what is the reason for this phenomenon? Is there any way to solve it?

First, the quality of carbon fiber cloth needs to be verified. If it is because of the carbon fiber cloth itself, it is recommended to replace the carbon fiber cloth material. Use high-quality carbon fiber cloth. Horse carbon fiber fabric's fiber is imported carbon yarn, the tensile strength of dry fiber can be higher than 4900Mpa.

The second reason may be caused by technical irregularities in the construction process and special construction conditions. It is recommended to conduct targeted analysis, and professional technical personnel can be invited to conduct on-site analysis.

So, the damage has already happened, how to repair it? It is recommended to use U-wrap for prevention and repair.

u wrap- horse carbon fiber

concrete strengthened with CFRP

If no anchoring measures are applied when attaching carbon fiber cloth, cracks usually appear near the concentrated force. After that, peeling damage will occur soon. At this time, the stress of carbon fiber cloth is often very low.

Therefore, the U-wrap method is used to prevent the development of structural cracks, delay the peeling and destruction of the carbon fiber cloth, and increase the stress of the carbon fiber cloth. At the same time, the U-wrap can also improve the shear resistance of the beam.

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